J.A.C.K. level editor is distributed "as is", without any warranty, either exressed or implied. We don't accept any claims regarding the quality of the product and derivative results. However you may provide error reports, feature requests or just express your thanks on the project forums. We are very interested in and grateful for any feedback!
If you are a beginner to J.A.C.K., we recommend to read the documentation to learn the very basics. It is strongly recommended to refer to the F.A.Q. enlightening the fine points of the editor. You should probably read the Valve Hammer Editor 3.3+ reference manual, because many of VHE features were expressly incorporated into J.A.C.K..
If you got any questions that are answered neither in the reference manual nor in the F.A.Q., don't hesitate to contact our community forums. Unfortunately most of them lack for English language interface, however posting in English is welcome.
Copyright © Crystice Softworks, 2013—2024